domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009
miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009
I think we must to be a whole orange and find a whole orange, because if I am a half orange perhaps I can find a half orange, this is a problem, because then we will be half two oranges and maybe we will have to looking for a half orange again.
17 November 2009
I am very worried, I think all people of Palace are a little crazy. Ann, you are my best friend and I hope you help me. A French girl wants to marry my grandson, I can not allow it, he is too young and I want to he to marry a beautiful and important woman. I told my chauffeur to take her to the airport but he told me my car had broken down. I don't know I can do, because I think my husband agrees. Everybody lies me.
I would like you come here and you help me, besides I will celebrate my birthday, I am 100 years old and I want to put a yellow dress, I never wore it.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes.
Qeen Eliz.
Who do we fall in love with?
When you know somebody , at first you look for the similar things that this person has . We like the other has o lot of things like ourselves , so we can do more things.
But ordinaly we feel more atraction for people that is totally different to us .
All of us know the tipical couple that the are totally unsuited and the are completely fallen in love .
All of this , love in general is a mysteri . Nobody has the recipe to choose somebody who likes ourselves .
But to find someone you must look for her or him.
So let´s do some work!
martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009
Queen's birthday
I'm chief of protocol (a reliable employee).
All of you know that in two months we will celebrate the queen's birthday and we are preparing a special party because she will be 100 years.
We will celebrate it in the Grand Palace, and we will be around 5000 guests.
I must call by phone to all guests and i send them an invitation too.
My main problem is that i must found 4 arabic horse and bring them by plane. This is Harry's present for his Grandmother. The positive part is that the budget is unlimited.
I hope see you in the party!!!
lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009
For the next celebration, the 100th birthday of HRH The Queen Elisabeth II, I had many problems because I knew that the Queen prefers New Zelands' (?) wines and Beefetar gins. The Prince of Edimburg drinks anything ( really, he doesn't any problem in that sense); The Prince Charles would like drink Rivera of Guadiana wine, but, his wife Camila said me that if there wasn't Rioja wine she didn't go to the celebration. Williams and Harry only wants to drinks a lot of beer.
Today, a week later, I don't know what is the menu and number of guest. This family are crazy. I resigned
Bye and .... Cheers!
domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009
Grandmother´s birthay
I´m Harry. We are preparing a big party . My grandmother will be one hundred years old very soon
I would like to give her a beautiful present. She loves horses´s races and I´ve thought that I could give her four arabic horses. I think she would like them...
My brotherWilliam and I are very happy organicing this event. A lot of people will come to the Royal Palace that day, our house, of course...
Presidents , actors ...., the most english famous peolple in general , and to others parts of the world.
Everything must be right , because about twelve international tv will be there .
I´m inviting to all the personal of the Royal Palace to work hard . My family will thank to youselves so much.
sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009
For celebrate the 100th birthday of HRH the Queen Elisabeth II I told the last Tuesday with my father, HRH the Duke of Edimburgh.
We spoke of the party: “Must be the best party in the History”. Of course
He’s working in the familiar side of event because he’s our father and he knows all we need in the close family. Like in each home in the Earth: “he’s dad”.
In the Royal Family I’m the second most important person because when my mother will dead (I often think that is imposible!) I’ll become King, a very very old Kling but King. For this reason my father have said my that I’m responsible of the official side of the birthday.
I should calling to all the heads of state of the world: kings (Juan Carlos, Burguer…), presidents (Obama, Florentino…), first ladies ( Bruni…).
Is very important also that the best singers, scienticists, actors, musicians, models, olimpics champions and teachers of PALE assist at party.
I had to defend my dear wife of the fights of my father. Is true: my dear wife always is intrude in the Royal things. Uff!
Moreover I adviced my mother about an Royal Dress. He wanted an awful yellow dress and I said her that the dres will be with diamonds. She didn’t know our plains and all close relatives we must be careful.
My father and me are going to invite 5000 guests. We will looking for wine and flowers for all. Flowers specially for my dear wife, a lot o flowers so that can’t see her face.
My Royal Daddy and me Know that the young are going to do, after the birthday celebration, a special party with sex, drugs and rock and roll. My father and I must stop it or if is it impossijueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009
On the other hand, Prince Philiphs is a very important dressmaker (WHAT A SURPRISE!!) and he tried to convince me and the Queen to wear another dress (more expensive, I'm afraid...).
Later, I was talking to the wines' manage (??) about the drinks for the party. There will be water and non alcoholic drinks (because her Highness Ann told me she was an ex-alcoholic, now). Anyway, we will also bring Ribera del Guadiana wine, manzanilla "Solear" wine and some different beers (Cruzcampo, San Miguel...)
As we would like enjoy the party in a good atmosphere, we would surprise the Queen and all the guests with an amazing karaoke, which will be introduced by Camilla, Prince Charles' partner and the future Princess Consort... I'm sure that it will be a nice surprise for the Majesty and even for Prince Charles, when she sings "Happy Birthday" song.. She is happy with the idea, but I will try to convince her not to do it after wine.
I was talking to Camilla and the handyman about this event, in order to choose the music, but we hadn't more time, it was late! Anyway, the handyman said he would look for pop, British and Latin music (because most of people who work for Royal Family in England, are from Spain! Another great surprise!)
miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009
My experience about the British Royal Family

That day, I spoke with a several person about the Royal Family, and my function was that Camilla couldn't seat beside The Prince Charles, but she couldn't find out about this plot. I was speaking with the journalist, she had questions about the huntings. The Prince Charles couldn't go hunting that day, because he could incite a international conflict, we had too many people invited. It was a good experience.