Which group did Dr Ali tell the WHOLE truth and NOTHING but the truth to ? Next week don´t miss our next guest´s appearance; his first ex-wife has promised to reveal all the sordid details of her ex´s life!!!!!! (just joking. of course). Yolanda, have you got over the shock of my father´s eating only once a day? Marisa commented that she noticed some peculiar phonetic features in his pronunciation. Well, done, everybody. If you have any other questions to ask my father, he´d be delighted to answer them on the blog.
On the subject of my little joke "the early bird...", if you DO come into class late, please seize the opportunity to use the appropriate language - language and customs go together, so, in an English setting it´s the correct thing to apologize for being late "Sorry, but I...." (you could invent an amazing excuse every time!!).
In class we saw that Obama had called himself a "mutt"; my dad says he´s a cat. Find out what he means next week ! (If you have any idea of what he´s talking about, write it on the blog).