jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2008
lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008
lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008
Oil Refinery
Are you up in arms about the thought of a horrible factory in the middle of Tierra de Barros ? Or, on the other hand, do you welcome the winds of change for our region? After our discussion the other day, imagine you´re writing a letter to the newspaper to express your opinion on the subject.
sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008
Intensive course in Jerez. Vicente

The intensive course I attended in Jerez was the best I´ve never had. The idea was great and the company fantastic. Nice and supportive teachers were a perfect combination to have fun and to make the most of your time. Good food, cute hotel and beautiful city. Pepe, When are you going to plan other course?
jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008
Seven lives.
Seven lives in Spain, but nine in England ! Yes, Vicente you got the right idea when you talk about living life to the full. My dad says he has been reborn several times, not because he´s a Hindu!, but because he nearly died three times- once in India on a train to Pakistan, then he survived a stabbing and the last time was two years ago when he collapsed at Luton Airport just before boarding the plane. Luckily there was another doctor in the queue behind him to save his life. My father went missing for two days until we found out that he was at Luton Hospital. So he enjoys life as much as he can - well, he´s still got six lives left!
lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008
Seven lives are for living. Vicente

Well, I guess that Dr Ali is a cat because cat has seven lives. One to change of country, one for his job, one for each wife… How many do you remain, Dr Ali? Although my father thinks that just one wife for almost 50 years use more lives than 50 wives for one year. Anyway, seven lives are for living and everybody look to be happy in the way.
jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008
miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008
All about my father???
Which group did Dr Ali tell the WHOLE truth and NOTHING but the truth to ? Next week don´t miss our next guest´s appearance; his first ex-wife has promised to reveal all the sordid details of her ex´s life!!!!!! (just joking. of course). Yolanda, have you got over the shock of my father´s eating only once a day? Marisa commented that she noticed some peculiar phonetic features in his pronunciation. Well, done, everybody. If you have any other questions to ask my father, he´d be delighted to answer them on the blog.
On the subject of my little joke "the early bird...", if you DO come into class late, please seize the opportunity to use the appropriate language - language and customs go together, so, in an English setting it´s the correct thing to apologize for being late "Sorry, but I...." (you could invent an amazing excuse every time!!).
In class we saw that Obama had called himself a "mutt"; my dad says he´s a cat. Find out what he means next week ! (If you have any idea of what he´s talking about, write it on the blog).
On the subject of my little joke "the early bird...", if you DO come into class late, please seize the opportunity to use the appropriate language - language and customs go together, so, in an English setting it´s the correct thing to apologize for being late "Sorry, but I...." (you could invent an amazing excuse every time!!).
In class we saw that Obama had called himself a "mutt"; my dad says he´s a cat. Find out what he means next week ! (If you have any idea of what he´s talking about, write it on the blog).
lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008
11th November (Note from Ayaz)
I intend to bring a visitor to class on Tuesday. You can interview him on any subject (about himself and his views on important world issues). He speaks English very well, but has a slightly different accent, so it could be an interesting experience and preparation for your 24 hour "language marathon" in Jerez soon.
sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008
Congratulations. Vicente

I belong to the enthusiastic group that enjoined wit the movie “Conde Orloc”. I agree with Yolanda when she pointed about the interesting unrecognized places showed in the movie but disagree with her perception that some of them are the most beautiful of Badajoz. In any case and in my opinion, It´s an excellent work, made with few means, low cost and a lot of imagination. These ingredients plus passion and dedication were the making of it. My Congratulations to the director and to Saltarrana movies & Sangre fría productions.
martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008
The Conde Orloc in Badajoz !!!!
The Conde Orloc appeared last Friday night !!! at "Círculo Pacense", an old cinema very well restored, where we enjoyed the performance of Saltarrana movies & Sangre fria productions.
It was shooted in Badajoz, in some of the most beautiful and emblematic places and we discovered some other interesting places un-knowed.
My congratulation to the theatre company in your way to the adventure of the audiovisual production.
It was shooted in Badajoz, in some of the most beautiful and emblematic places and we discovered some other interesting places un-knowed.
My congratulation to the theatre company in your way to the adventure of the audiovisual production.
lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008
Subject for debate (Ayaz)
As Rubén pointed out the other day, abortion is a controversial issue. Last night I saw a terrible video that showed dead foetuses.Are you pro- or anti- abortion? Be prepared to defend your point of view on Tuesday!
domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008
A Joke
One day a disaster happened at the Simpson's house.Suddenly they heard an explosion and soon they realized that the kitchen was on fire.Homer and his family were terrified. The children began to cry and all of then run away home.Homer shouted looking at the sky: I don't believe in God! I don't believe in anything! But Superman if you are there....please save me!
Julia Corzo´s Homeworks
I was once like you are now,
And I know that it´s not easy,
To be calm when you´ve found
Something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why,think of everything you´ve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow,
But your dreams may not.
By Cat Stevens, Father and Son.
And I know that it´s not easy,
To be calm when you´ve found
Something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why,think of everything you´ve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow,
But your dreams may not.
By Cat Stevens, Father and Son.
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
The smallest word is I,
the sweetest word is LOVE
and the dearest person in the world is you.
the sweetest word is LOVE
and the dearest person in the world is you.
domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008
Boobs and other stuff !!!
Well, that was an interesting class the other day! No, I´m not a dirty old man! (just joking).I hope you´re going to work with your thesauruses. Next week, you´re all gonna be blogging. Have a good weekend. Ayaz.
sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008
Os recuerdo que es recomendable, justo y hasta necesario que publiquemos en el Blog, con el objetivo de afianzarnos en el uso de las Tics que, como sabéis, también es uno de los objetivos del curso.
Tanto Russell como Ayaz comenzarán a pedir tareas a través del blog.
Para publicar en el blog se siguen estos pasos:
1º.- Ve a tu correo gmail y allí tendrás una invitación para participar.
2º.- Haz click en el enlace que te conducirá al blog.
3.- Una vez en el blog, haz click en el ACCEDER (arriba a la derecha)
4º.- Te piden el nombre y contraseña (pues mételos)
5º.- Ya estás dentro del blog; haz click en CREACIÓN DE ENTRADAS
6º.- Ponle un título y escribe.
7º.- Cuando termines, haz click en PUBLICAR.
8º.- Haz click en VER BLOG
9º.- ¿Estás conforme con lo que has escrito?
Haz click en SALIR (arriba a la derecha)
10º.- ¿No estás conforme con lo que has escrito?
Haz click en EDITAR ENTRADAS (Borra, reescribe etc; vuelve al
paso 6º)
Si no ha quedado claro, dedicaremos alguna minipráctica para ACLARAR algunos conceptos. RECUERDA: el uso y la utilización del blog es una herramienta muy poderosa y motivadora para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de las lenguas.
Tanto Russell como Ayaz comenzarán a pedir tareas a través del blog.
Para publicar en el blog se siguen estos pasos:
1º.- Ve a tu correo gmail y allí tendrás una invitación para participar.
2º.- Haz click en el enlace que te conducirá al blog.
3.- Una vez en el blog, haz click en el ACCEDER (arriba a la derecha)
4º.- Te piden el nombre y contraseña (pues mételos)
5º.- Ya estás dentro del blog; haz click en CREACIÓN DE ENTRADAS
6º.- Ponle un título y escribe.
7º.- Cuando termines, haz click en PUBLICAR.
8º.- Haz click en VER BLOG
9º.- ¿Estás conforme con lo que has escrito?
Haz click en SALIR (arriba a la derecha)
10º.- ¿No estás conforme con lo que has escrito?
Haz click en EDITAR ENTRADAS (Borra, reescribe etc; vuelve al
paso 6º)
Si no ha quedado claro, dedicaremos alguna minipráctica para ACLARAR algunos conceptos. RECUERDA: el uso y la utilización del blog es una herramienta muy poderosa y motivadora para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de las lenguas.
miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008
Sábado Día 22 de noviembre de 2008
Hora de comienzo de las actividades: 9:30 del día 22
Hora de finalización de las actividades: 9:30 del día 23
Lugar de realización: Jerez de los Caballeros
Hora de comienzo de las actividades: 9:30 del día 22
Hora de finalización de las actividades: 9:30 del día 23
Lugar de realización: Jerez de los Caballeros
martes, 14 de octubre de 2008
Hi! I just wanted to say "well done" for your participation today. Students who perform badly and do not have to repeat or repeat enough times is a "sticky" subject. Next week we might try to think about some practical solutions. So, think about it and air your view next Tuesday ! By the way, don´t forget to bring your new thesaurus to our next class, even though it weighs a ton!
Homework: Write about your school/secondary school OR look up on the internet information about another country´s educational system. I´ve asked Cindy to give us some more details about education in France. Have a good week ! Ayaz.
Homework: Write about your school/secondary school OR look up on the internet information about another country´s educational system. I´ve asked Cindy to give us some more details about education in France. Have a good week ! Ayaz.
jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008
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